Sit how you want. It's that simple. Sit how YOU want, not how some factory engineer decided you should sit. Generation Chair, a collaboration project from Knoll and Formway Design, makes everybody happy. Tall, short, wide, narrow, fat, skinny, long-legged but short-waisted or long-torsoed but short-armed, old, young, eco-conscious, design conscious, gadget conscious... Generation is the answer to the age-old design quandary of which office chair to pick, whether it is for 65 cubicles or just one corner office. Generation sports 3 major awards and countless accolades, is made with minimal materials (those few used all contain recycled content), and has little or no off-gassing. After trying one out, this blogger has been smitten with chair envy. Nothing matches the comfort this Rolls Royce offers. It really is that simple. For your own dose of chair envy, see knoll.com or sithowyouwant.com .
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